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兰巧,博士,讲师。2022年12月在重庆大学获得动力工程及工程热物理博士学位。主要从事燃料电池与传输现象、微尺度传输及转化、新能源技术及新能源动力装置系统等方面的研究。攻读博士学位期间作为主要成员参与了国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目、面上项目以及创新课题组项目,近年来在Energy、Journal of Power Sources、ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering、Carbon、Angewandte Chemie International Edition等杂志上发表SCI论文近十篇。




[1] Lan Qiao, Ye Dingding*, Zhu Xun*, Chen Rong, Liao Qiang, Enhanced gas removal and cell performance of a microfluidic fuel cell by a paper separator embedded in the microchannel. Energy, 239, 122098. (2022).

[2] Lan Qiao, Ye Dingding*, Zhu Xun, Chen Rong, Liao Qiang, Zhang Tong, Zhou Yuan, Direct formate/persulfate microfluidic fuel cell with a catalyst-free cathode and high power density. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 9(16), 5623-5630. (九游体育平台).

[3] Lan Qiao, Ye Dingding*, Zhu Xun, Chen Rong, Yang Yang, Zhang Tong, Zhou Yuan, Liao Qiang, Boosting cell performance and optimizing gas distribution of flow-through microfluidic fuel cells by adjusting flow configuration. Journal of Power Sources, 544, 231881. (2022).

[4] Lan Qiao, Ye Dingding*, Zhu Xun, Yang Yang, Chen Rong, Wang Shaolong, Zhang Tong, Liao Qiang*, High-performance direct liquid fuel cells benefited from highly N-doped and defect-rich carbon paper cathode with carbon nanosheets, Carbon, 207, 95-104. (2023).

[5] Ye Dingding, Lan Qiao, Liao Qiang*, Yang Yang, Chen Rong, Wang Shaolong, Liu Zhenfei, Zhu, Xun Role of defects and oxygen-functional groups in carbon paper cathode for high-performance direct liquid fuel cells. Carbon, 192, 170-178. (2022).



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