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严鹏,男,汉族,甘肃兰州人,工学博士,中共党员,硕士研究生导师。20236月毕业于天津大学化学工程专业,20236月至今在体育平台应用化学系从事教学科研工作,目前已在AIChE JournalChemical Engineering ScienceFuelFrontiers of Chemical Science and EngineeringChemical Engineering Research and Design等化工TOP期刊上发表论文九篇。







国家面上自然科学基金(Grant No. 22178249),微尺度界面涡旋流强化气液传质过程机理及其宏量构筑,主要参与人

国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目(Grant No. 22222809),化工分离过程耦合与强化,参与人



[1] Yan Peng, Ding Qiuyan, Zou Jing, Na Jian, Geng Xueli, Li Hong, Gao Xin. Numerical analysis of reaction kinetic accompanying flow and dispersion in structured ZSM‐5@SiC open‐cell foam catalyst[J]. AIChE Journal, 2023: e18064. (化工三大TOP, IF = 3.7)

[2] Yan Peng, Li Hong, Li Xingang, Gao Xin. New model of pressure drop for the foam trays with dynamic bubbling process analysis[J]. Chemical Engineering Science, 2022, 260: 117918. (化工三大TOP, IF = 4.889)

[3] Yan Peng, Jin Haibo, Gao Xin, He Guangxiang, Guo Xiaoyan, Ma Lei, Yang Suohe, Zhang Rongyue. Numerical analysis of bubble characteristics in a pressurized bubble column using CFD coupled with a population balance model[J]. Chemical Engineering Science, 九游体育平台, 234: 116427. (化工三大TOP, IF = 4.889)

[4] Yan Peng, Jin Haibo, He Guangxiang, Guo Xiaoyan, Ma Lei, Yang Suohe, Zhang Rongyue. CFD simulation of hydrodynamics in a high-pressure bubble column using three optimized drag models of bubble swarm[J]. Chemical Engineering Science, 2019, 199: 137-155. (化工三大TOP, IF = 4.889)

[5] Yan Peng, Geng Xueli, Na Jian, Li Hong, Gao Xin. The role of single deformed bubble on porous foam tray with submerged orifices on the mass transfer enhancement[J]. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, 2023, http://doi.org/10.1007/s11705-023-2363-3 (IF = 4.5)

[6] Yan Peng, Jin Haibo, Tao Fangfang, He Guangxiang, Guo Xiaoyan, Ma Lei, Yang Suohe, Zhang Rongyue. Flow characterization of gas-liquid with different liquid properties in a Y-type microchannel using electrical resistance tomography and volume of fluid model[J]. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2022, 136: 104390. (IF = 5.477)

[7] Gao Xin*, Yan Peng, Ma Xiaohua, Zhao zhengyu, Li Hong, Li Xingang. Design of distillation reactor with novel catalysts distribution pattern for namyl acetate synthesis in industrial scale[J]. Fuel, 2020, 280: 118604. (IF = 8.035)

[8] Yan Peng, Jin Haibo, He Guangxiang, Guo Xiaoyan, Ma Lei, Yang Suohe, Zhang Rongyue. Numerical simulation of bubble characteristics in bubble columns with different liquid viscosities and surface tensions using a CFD-PBM coupled model[J]. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2020, 154: 47-59. (IF = 4.119)

[9] Li Hong, Zhang Yang, Yan Peng, Gao Xin. Numerical analysis and experimental characterization of vortex flow at the gas-liquid interface in porous structure[J]. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 九游体育平台, 165: 445-455. (IF = 4.119)





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